What is Distance learning?
Distance learning is a convenient mode of learning, which is designed for those who cannot pursue regular course due to long distance of institution and therefore enroll themselves in distance learning programs to enhance their education. A university offering distance learning programs provides organized learning opportunities to learners and offer instructions or study material virtually using different Medias. This mode of learning has gained popularity in such a way that no course or content is left to be made available online or in distance mode.
Advantages of Distance Learning
Distance learning has to offer varied advantages including:
With distance mode of learning, the students can complete their course work as per their convenience and that too from the comfort of their home.
No Need to Commute
The best thing about the distance learning programs is that the students do not have to go anywhere and travel to reach their institution. They can learn about their course module online and can interact with their professors online.
The students who cannot afford many expenses, this is the best way of learning within budget. They do not have to pay large amount of fee.
Learn While Working
The most popular reason among youngsters to get admitted into a distance learning program is to do job while learning. This mode of learning allows the students to learn while working. And, experience and degree together help them obtain a good job. This helps them further to grab various upcoming opportunities. The students can also prepare for government jobs if they are pursuing a distance course.
Prepares You for Job Market
The students who have to do job and cannot pursue regular degree, have advantage to enhance their education and prepare them for job market.
Challenges Of Distance Learning
Less Social Interaction
Distance education learners do not get exposure much as they do not have to interact with their fellow learners. They are deprived of classroom learning benefits and therefore could not get social.
Online Degrees Are Not Acceptable To Some Employers
There are some employers who do not accept and consider online degrees, creating issues for jobseekers.
Need Access to a Computer and Internet
It is not necessary that all the students can afford having a computer and internet connection.
Knowledge of Computer
However, students of these days have gotten web savvy. But still there are some who do not know how to access a computer. For them, it becomes challenging to pursue online programs.
Above all, there is no denying the fact that distance learning has to offer several benefits to learners. This is why it has become popular mode of learning among the learners.
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