In the fast-paced world today, online distance learning has provided the students with the ease of pursuing their studies along with doing a part time or a full time job. This is the reason why most of the students nowadays are enrolled in distance learning courses even at the Masters level. Two of the common courses include Part time MBA and MCA. So which is better distance MBA or MCA
Now, the question is that whether to go for distance learning MBA courses or MCA. Although both of them are Master Degree courses but choosing one of the two is a big dilemma for the students. Where on one hand, MBA is meant for the students who want to make their career in leadership, administration, or management, on the other hand, MCA will take them towards a technical career.
Correspondence MBA and its benefits
MBA is a postgraduate course of 2 years and to seek admission into this course, the basic eligibility is a bachelor’s degree in any discipline as well as a considerably good score in the entrance test thus conducted. This course aims at helping students to know about administration and at the same time impart management skills to them. If one wants to have a thorough knowledge understanding of business economic system, MBA is the right choice. However, following are some of the benefits of distance learning MBA:
- The students shall have the capability to get jobs like Business Manager, Finance Manager, Marketing Executive, CEO, Accountant, etc.
- The candidates can get the management positions in any business organization.
- The candidates need not leave their current job and can continue pursuing MBA through distance learning.
MCA is a postgraduate course of 3 years and to get enrolled in this course, one needs to hold a bachelor’s degree with statistics or mathematics at 10+2 level. This course intends to provide students with advanced technical skills like software development, computer networks, various programming languages and other IT subjects. Following are the benefits of going for online MCA:
- The students, after having an MCA degree can get jobs like Software programmers, Web Developers, System Analysts, and other IT related profiles.
- Companies offering high salary packages shall hail such candidates.
Online MBA v/s Online MCA
Doing Postgraduate courses through online distance learning mode can be a wise thing to do as the students can study and work simultaneously. Moreover, they can have the convenience of studying at their home. Here is a small comparison that would let you be sure whether you are fit for MBA or MCA:
 Depending upon the interests as well as skills that one possesses, the candidate can make out if he or she wants to go for MBA or MCA. If you are interested more in administration and managerial activities and have leadership qualities, then MBA is your cup of tea whereas if you are more interested in technology and want a career in software and programming then MCA is your thing.
Therefore, the choice entirely depends upon you as well as your interests, that what course you want to choose.